AmigaActive (1750/2143)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:24 May 2000 at 23:43:21
Subject:Re: Frontier: Elite 2

From: Simon Preston <>

> Foundry would release Explorer 2260 dammit! :)
> Is it so good they just don't wanna release it?

AFAIK, they're building the game backwards. They've got pretty much all of
the storyline and background to the game done, but the game itself is taking
a while, what with the Classic Amiga being effectively a dead platform to
release a full-blown game on...

Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
Email: ICQ: 39945538
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"Bother" said Simon, as he hid Piglet's corpse with Roo's.

Old school buds here:

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