AmigaActive (1687/2143)

From:Eddie Moore
Date:24 May 2000 at 15:30:06
Subject:Re: Mil Spec was Re: More PS2 Madness

Hello Don!

On 21-Apr-00, Don Cox wrote:

>> Er, no not exactly. When I was just starting high school we actually
>> built a ZX80, they had just come out in kit form. First computer I had
>> ever saw (this side of Star Trek OS!!) and we thought it was space
>> age!

> It was. The Space Age started in the 1960s.

Well, the 1950s, at least B-) 1957 or thereabouts, with the launch of the
first Sputnik. Of course, it could be argued that the Space Age really had
its beginnings during WW2, with the launch of Von Braun's V2s...

>> Look at the difference now. My eldest daughters (who is 9) school has
>> just had a new computer suite put in with top notch PC's (with
>> CDRW,scanners etc!). No Sinclair Basic or BBC's for her, although I do
>> subvert her to the Amiga at home!

> It bothers me that all these kids are growing up thinking the Microsoft
> way is the only possible computer.

The trouble is that, in realilty, that's true B-( My little lad much prefers
his B2000 to any of the more modern alternatives which his school has to
offer, but he still can't get away from the fact that he *has* to use a
PeeCee for at least some of his course work. His latest project, for
example, involves an inter-schools robotics championship, and the software
that is used is - you've guessed it -PeeCee only B-( *We* know that , in a
lot of cases, there are alternatives to the Wintel monopoly, and those of us
who are in a position to be able to do so, try to teach our children that
fact, but "in a lot of cases" isn't really good enough to convince the
powers-that-be to at least /look/ at the alternatives B-(




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