AmigaActive (1578/2143)

From:Michael Carrillo
Date:24 May 2000 at 13:35:50
Subject:Re: Alive and Elite3

--- In, "Kevin Fairhurst" <redver5@c...> wrote:

> > How can some small simply minded company manage that?
> Refusing to pay for adverts? I'm not sure if that is what
I am
> merely speculating (and in public too ;) ...

Hmm, Do you remember when AF suddenly lost a lot of pages?
Just before it went under?

Well aparently, (reading betwen the lines here. - informed guesses)
A certain Amiga dealer, can't remember who now, ;)
Promised AF a whole load of products to review as well as paying for
some advertising.

Well the people at AF waited and waited, deadlines came.... and went
and then the magazine had to go to print several pages short.

Make of that what you will


Mikey C

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