AmigaActive (154/2143)

Date:3 May 2000 at 10:58:39
Subject:RE: Someone just please please help!!!

Hi Mike,

>>Problem is that my 1200T is stuffed to the guts (and when, no
>>*if* i get the
>>PPC working I'll get a BVision in there too, a for way clock
>>adapter, Zip, Clock
>>port prelude....), and getting to my ROMs is, ummm, murder!!
>>All those ribbon
>>cables, etc. :)
>You can't have a 4-way clock adapter and a sound card sadly. I wanted the

>same but its not possible because of bandwidth, which is already a hack for

>existing A1200 sound cards.

The sun's certainly shining at me this week ;)

> You will have to choose, a sound card on the
>clockport will offer a c/port pass-thur for serial, but the IOBlix parallel

>will NOT work on this pass-thur :( And you need the 4-way clock-port
>expander to extend the clock port connector AWAY from the space the BVision

>takes up. The Melody1200 (is that still in production for A1200?) comes
>with an extender cable IIRC for people with a BVision too.

Well least someone told me before I fudged again!! ;) Basically what I will
do then is buy some ribbon cable, and a plug for that clock port header pins
(using 22pins, not 40?) and run a small extension from under the Ateo Bus, under
the BVision and into a small metal box I'll make, weld it to the case... :)
Handy being my dad is mechanic... :))

>>BTW: The BVision will fit alongside the Ateo Bus and with some
>>AmigaDOS scripts
>>I shall have something to switch between CGfx and P96 (Pixel
>>64 and BVision).
>Hmmm, is it really worth it though??!

No, but it'd be cool :) Like I said to, I'd always choose those lovely AGA
Laced modes though..... ;-)) Besides; if I get an ethernet card; I will still
have somewhere to plug it; and if, IF :) Ateo release the SCSI or IDE cards;
I can plug them in... as if they'll arrive... ;)

Nick Lamburn.

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