AmigaActive (1528/2143)

From:Wannes Van Causbroeck
Date:23 May 2000 at 14:44:02
Subject:Re: still no ravin' over here

On 23-May-00, Alan Buxey wrote:

>problem 1) you should just use the latest 040 library from Phase5/DCE
>and make sure its installed as the docs say! Ie 68040dummy.library is
>renamed etc etc etc
done that.... no effect ( i even reflashed it with the latest DCE flash)

>problem 2) OS3.0 I knw lots of people who have PPC problems with 3.0 roms -
>you should get 3.1
it has allways worked for me in the past. whay should it stop working now?

>problem 1 is really giving you the most grief right now - emulator line
>errors mean wrong 040/060 handling
yup. I removed oxypatcher, but this gives no difference, except that if the
does it's thing, the system CRAWLS.
the weirdest thing is that colour 0 (background) is allways white with Rave3D
stuf instead of the usual black. That's right: sometimes everything works like
there's nothing wrong!

wARCo = Wannes Van Causbroeck (2nd year animation at St.Lukas
A1200T 3.0 blizz 603+ \603e 200\68040 25\/SCSI\/Bvision\48Mb Fast/
+ 17"viewpoint*mustek6000SP*24Xcyberdrive*9gigSCSI*1gigIDE

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