AmigaActive (1427/2143)

From:Clyde Hannan
Date:21 May 2000 at 00:11:17
Subject:Re: Frontier: Elite 2

Adam Eccleshall wrote:
> Hiya,
> Further to this discussion, there's a newsgroup for elite-
> There may be discussion on Frontier, too,
> although I haven't checked.

There is more information at the official Frontier site

But what is really interesting is that they are intending to upload the source
code of Frontier and First Encounters - so hopefully people will take a stab at
porting it to PPC :-) (They estimate to have it there in a month or so)

To quote:

Where can I buy Frontier from?

Frontier was recently available on the PC from Entertainment International, so
may still be in the bargain bins, but since Gametek's demise is no longer on
sale. It is to be made available here as shareware, shortly.

"Do you intend to make the sources available to "Frontier"?

Frontier was written in 68000 assembler, and converted to 80286 by Chris Sawyer
for the PC. So I'm not sure this will be much use to people these days, but it
is likely to be made available to members of the Elite Club.

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