AmigaActive (1376/2143)

From:Gerry Harris
Date:20 May 2000 at 09:27:02
Subject:Re: FPU

> >
> > I have a Blizzard 1230/50 board in my 1200.
> > Will a fpu make any differenceto the speed, particularly for
> > paint/ imaging applications?
> if you do image processing, or 3D rendering, yes, oh yes!
> When I installed a 50MHz 68882 FPU into my old Blizzard 68030
> image processing became a LOT faster. almost on the order of
> 50 times faster
> alan
Thanks for the info.
Excuse my ignorance but are FxPaint, Photogenics or Arteffect
imageproccessing programs?
I am thinking ofbuying one of them and am wondering do I need an



Gerry Harris

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