AmigaActive (1360/2143)

From:Andrew Korn
Date:19 May 2000 at 18:29:02
Subject:Re: What Software

Don Cox said:

> a stack of canvases and oil paint
> a clarinet
> a pile of paper and a computer with a word processor (or a box of pens)
> some nice bits of wood from an ash tree and a set of tools
> several pounds of plasticene and a cine camera
> how many paintings, novels, chairs, tunes, or animated films would you get?

Well you'd probably lose out on an issue of AA, because I'd be too busy
painting, writing, animating, carving and woodwinding. Far too many of my
favorite things to resist temptation.

Please avoid perpetrating this evil plan, Don.

Thank you.

Andrew Korn.

Editor, Amiga Active Magazine |

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