AmigaActive (134/2143)

From:Kevin Fairhurst
Date:3 May 2000 at 09:59:55
Subject:Re: AA8

On Tue, 02 May 2000 22:52:56 +0000, George Davis ( wrote:

> > If you decide to join Planetarion, tell me your planet co-ordinates and I'll
> > come over and wipe out all your ships for you ;-)
> I'm having trouble playing this as IBrowse won't let me log in,and Voyager 3.1
> is an absolute crash-fest for me (click two links quickly in Planetarion and it
> resets your machine).Any tips?

V� 3.2


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

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