AmigaActive (1321/2143)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:18 May 2000 at 20:10:33
Subject:Re: ArtEffect and loading pictures to start with...


> /* err, script to load a picture into ArtEffect on startup*/
> parse arg pic
> if ~show('P','ArtEffect') then address command 'Run >NIL: <snip continues
> next line> Programs:ArtEffect/ArtEffect'
> waitforport ArtEffect
> address 'ArtEffect' 'loadpic' pic
> I have set Dopus up to use the script properly ( arexx | loadpicture.rexx
> {f} ), but I have a problem still :-/
> the script loads ArtEffect up, but it does not insert the picture I selected
> in to it :-( I then tried the script again while ArtEffect was loaded and
> it then loaded the picture up. (so it (the script) works when ArtEffect is
> running)

sounds like ArtEffect blocks the shell. in this case, use something like

run <>NIL programs:arteffect/arteffect


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