AmigaActive (1259/2143)

From:Gerald Mellor
Date:17 May 2000 at 19:04:31
Subject:Re: Scandoubler/Flickerfixers

On 17 May 00, at 12:19, Robert Wilson wrote:

> I'm getting an SVGA monitor next week, so I'll need a FF/SD (I think).
> I usually buy my gear from Eyetech, so would normally just go to them but
> their's is the priciest. Analogic and Power both have them cheaper so i
> don't really want to pay £30 more for the same thing, loyalty to Eyetech
> aside.
> Anyone advise me of the difference between these ?

I'm not entirely sure of the differences. AFAIK, the model Analogic
sell is exactly the same as the Power one. I have an internal Power
Scanmagic with flickerfixer, and it works perfectly, although I believe
they've redesigned it since I bought mine, to free up the external
video connector. There were reviews of Eyetech and Power
scandoublers in AF and CU, but I've not seen any reviews recently.
You could try looking through back-issues.

> & do I need the FF ? (I mainly use it for OctaMED & the odd game)

The main advantage of the flicker fixer is that it will allow you to use
higher resolution screens without the flicker normally associated with
them. I would say it's worth it, my Workbench is (I think, don't quote
me on this though) 768x566 without any flicker, and it's so much
nicer viewing webpages at that sort of resolution. It's the best display
you're going to get out of your Amiga without getting yourself a
graphics card.


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