AmigaActive (1221/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:15 May 2000 at 21:49:16
Subject:Re: PFS2 - 3 Upgrade (Long)

Hello Neil,

On 15-May-00, you wrote:

>> I've never really understood shell-startup. I assume it passes
>> parameters when opening a new shell?

> It's a DOS script that's executed each time a shell is opened. Use
> it to set the stack, change the prompt or working directory, add
> aliases, set environment variables,play a sound sample or anything
> else you can do from a DOS script.

Thanks. I really must look at some of this stuff a bit more, I tend to
pass over it when obssessed with other projects.

>>> Alias Format pfsformat fnsize 107 dd 31

>> Apart from a shell, would that cause the pfsformat command to
>> be called from the Workbench menu as well?

> No. I don't know whether the Workbench format command calls the
> format command (SnoopDOS would tell you) or whether it calls the
> system routines directly. If the former, you would probably get away

It calls Sys:system/format

> with renaming pfsformat, but it might be better to wait for Tim to
> answer this.

OK, ta.


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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