AmigaActive (1174/2143)

From:Don Cox
Date:15 May 2000 at 14:24:44
Subject:Re: Scanning Colour Slides

On 14-May-00, Kevin Twyman wrote:

>> I am not too sure of how you would get the slide scanned, but TVPaint
>> does very good 'negatives' and could probably work on any scanned
>> picture you throiw at it.
> Reversing the neg isn't a problem, most image manipulation packages do
> it well. It's scanning it that causes problems. If you scan a colour
> neg using ScanQuix then use "negative" on it, the colours are all
> wrong.

A photographic colour negative doesn't just have the "opposite" colours
to the positive. It also has an orange-ish mask which adjusts the
colours to better suit the response of colour print paper.

So simply reversing the colours with the usual Negative command in an
image processing program will not give good results. You would need to
do further processing.

Black-and-white negs are OK. You may need to adjust the gamma, of
course, or edit the curve if the software allows it.


Don Cox

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