AmigaActive (1151/2143)

From:Michael Carter
Date:15 May 2000 at 13:08:51
Subject:RE: DVD on the Amiga - sort of :)

>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 12:36 PM
>Subject: RE: [amigactive] DVD on the Amiga - sort of :)
>Hi Mike,
>>>Well, since getting my PPC card; I have been absolutely gob
>>>smacked at the
>>>stuff it can do. However, realistically speaking - playing a
>>>MPEG-II movie
>>>with a suitable UDF file system on my Pixel 64 is not
>>>realistic :)). Unless
>>>I get a BVision, which is what I intend to do, but not quite yet....
>>Having used no other cards than the BVision I can't say it is
>that amazingly
>>much faster. But then I think the layers.library needs re-coding to
>>increase Workbench speed. If that was done in OS3.6 or
>whatever I'd upgrade
>>then :o)
>Hee hee. That's true. One thing I was thinking of, would it
>be possible to
>do something like, BPPCFix to remove the ROM layers.library
>and patch with a
>PPC byte for byte compatible version? Course, then intuition
>would best be
>recoded. Just an idea I had that may work. Perhaps even a
>totally re programmed
>soft-kickstart for ppc which was soft kicked would work. But
>then there is
>a *lot* of work involved in that... :)

theres a new 68k layers replacement example on Allan Odgaards website
(cannot remember URL). On my 060 its amazingly fast in huge resolutions!
He has no time to make it into a library he said a while back. But as he is
on the H&P OS 3.x development team contribution he could let them use it -
which would be cool! With a PPC version of this it would make the Amiga OS
so faaaassst. A lot of people look at my 060 machine and sometimes think
its a bit shit in the window drawing, resizing area because they assume
because i got a PPC the whole thing runs at 250mhz :-/ they don't
understand its merely a co-processor for the OS.

Anyway doesn't OS3.5 already patch in newer library replacements of the ROm
using an updated SetPatch command? I do not know exactly as I don't own it.
I'm waiting to see what PPC support will be offered...

>>Anyway for playing movies I've yet to see it running
>amazingly well with the
>>current players and mpeg-1 streams. Maybe I've just not got
>something set
>>right?! :-/
>Well I have been using Frogger (just registred that and
>SoftCinema today :))
>in 8bit colour, on its own screen using a standard MPEG-1 res,
>which is 358x288
>or something. I then use a simple 8Bit AHI player (unit #1),
>allowing for a
>fair share of *68K* CPU time. Like that, I have easily got
>25fps with about
>1-2 frames being skipped - still it is a enormous jump from
>040 speed. I gave
>up trying frogger on the 040! :)) Plus - no broken audio and
>its all in sync.

I've only tried it in a window so far so may have to set up a CGX mode and
give it a go! I've been too lazy before.

>>Hmmm, doubt full! Although the new AsynioPPC version of the
>library may
>>help a lot.
>I'll download that tonight :)

But software has to be re-compiled to use the PPC functions in the
library... and its WarpOS only (if that makes a difference to you?)...

>>I've got some DVD player source code here if you're willing to
>>give it a go at porting it. Its from a Linux player, so all in 'C'.
>Is the X interface code seperate from the actual player? Just

Erm not sure. Not looked at it but i d/l it at work before its was wiped
from most servers for being illegal or something (?).

>Tell you what e-mail me it and I'll take a look, I wonder how

ok. will do.



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