AmigaActive (115/2143)

From:Simon Mason
Date:2 May 2000 at 23:37:38
Subject:Re: Boot failure

Hello Kevin

On 02-May-00, you yapped about: [amigactive] Boot failure

> It appears to be connected with the WBPattern, as if I don't have a
> pic as a WB background, it boots OK. Sometimes it *will *boot OK,
> sometimes it takes three attempts. Once or twice I've had to boot
> without startup sequence and run WBPattern to re-set it without a pic
> as background, then re-boot. It's damned annoying!
> I've also found that if I change the WB background I sometimes get a
> similar lock-up, and have to re-boot.

Top tip here. I used to have the same prob. On the pref screen where you
select your backgrounds, the way to stop lock outs etc. is to drag and drop
the actual file icon of the background you want. Delete the files in there
first and then drag em in one at a time and then save. This will stop the
lock outs, and hopefully solve booting.

My sys is a bit different (see below) but it should help :)

P.s Have you ever managed to contact the yank who wrote it? (buggered if I


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