AmigaActive (1125/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:14 May 2000 at 23:04:30
Subject:Re: PFS2 - 3 Upgrade (Long)

Kevin Twyman said,

> Hello Neil,

>> The way that PFS creates the directory tables when formatting the
>> disk accounts in part for the increased speed of directory
>> operations, including file deletion.

> Is this when using the normal AmigaDOS "format" command, or do you
> have to use the PSF specific format command?

The normal format command.

> As none of my partitions were over 2GB I used "format" from WB.

pfsformat must be used for any partitions that pass the 4GB barrier,
unless you quick format. It's worth using anyway, as it allows you to
set the filename length and .deldir size.

You could try adding this line to s:Shell-Startup

Alias Format pfsformat fnsize 107 dd 31


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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