AmigaActive (1116/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:14 May 2000 at 13:07:40
Subject:Re: Scanning Colour Slides

Hello jeremy,

On 11-Nov-11, you wrote:

>> The Epson GT-7000 has a "photo adaptor" that does exactly what you
>> doesn't support scanning negs, though colour slides scan OK. Unless

> I am not too sure of how you would get the slide scanned, but TVPaint
> does very good 'negatives' and could probably work on any scanned
> picture you throiw at it.

Reversing the neg isn't a problem, most image manipulation packages do
it well. It's scanning it that causes problems. If you scan a colour neg
using ScanQuix then use "negative" on it, the colours are all wrong.

> Jeremy Spring Powered by an 040 4000 with a stuffed
> internal clock

I had this problem on my A4000 - cost me a few bob to get the
motherboard repaired, it was damaged by a leaking clock battery.

That's another good point about the Power Tower - the clock battery
hangs ar right angles to the motherboard now, instead of directly over
it :)


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

I didn't wake up grumpy this morning..... I let her sleep.

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