AmigaActive (1020/2143)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:13 May 2000 at 17:05:02
Subject:Re: subliminal Amiga spotting

From: Michael Carter <>

> Now there's a nice idea, Amiga boing ties ... we can wear them in the
> office... not too bad either because a lot of ties do look kinda 'dodgy'.

Hey, you're right... Amiga should start producing red-and-white checked
ties. That would be kewl. Not specifically with the Amiga logo on it or
anything, but a nice subtle red-and-white checked pattern that only a true
Amigan would recognise.

We could invent a kewl secret handshake too.

Repairman: "Well, I won't get the parts I need to fix your plumbing until
next week. That is, if I order them today." [takes a puff of his pipe]
"Which I won't."

Homer: "But what if I was to shake your hand..." [looks up secret handshake
in book] "...THIS-wise..."

[Homer and Repairman do secret complex handshake and pull up shirts to
reveal Amiga t-shirt and boing-tie...]

Repairman: "Hey, Homer, I didn't know you were an Amigan!" [fixes leaky pipe
instantly and fishes cat out of flooded basement]

...I have been watching too much Simpsons, haven't I ;)

Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
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