AmigaActive (1009/2143)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:13 May 2000 at 12:26:24
Subject:DVD on the Amiga - sort of :)


Well, since getting my PPC card; I have been absolutely gob smacked at the
stuff it can do. However, realistically speaking - playing a MPEG-II movie
with a suitable UDF file system on my Pixel 64 is not realistic :)). Unless
I get a BVision, which is what I intend to do, but not quite yet....

One: If for example I had a BVision and, a suitable UDF fs, like Allegro
CDFS, a DVD drive, would my PPC 160/175 (it was sold as 160MHz but PowerUp
and WarpUp say it's 175MHz, which I believe it is since it has a 50MHz bus
and 3.5x clock multiplier) be able to play back DVDs at full MPEG-II res at
an acceptable rate? I'm inclined to say, unfortunately, no, but am i wrong?

Two: How much are simply DVD-ROM drives for a computer? Cheapest ones are
what exactly?


This is what I shall probably do. I am looking at a nice cheapish DVD
player at £180 (nice :) which is an external unit which has nothing to do
with the Amiga. My idea is using the SVHS output on it, which it has. I
own a TV Amazing which can accept SVGA, Composite, RF and SVHS input and
pump out a SVGA output, nice :) Using the remote controller i can switch
between SVGA, RF (TV), Composite (15KHz Amiga) and the SVHS - which will
take the DVD players output. This means that I can play DVD movies on my
Amiga with no overhead to the Amiga what so ever, yet it'll be integrated to
the same monitor allowing for pseudo-integration.

Basically I am saying - if you have a TV Amazing and want to make even your
030 look as if its playing DVDs - this seems to be the ideal way to go! :)

All the best,

Nick Lamburn.
Still looking for VideoCDs in the meantime :)

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| Trogladite Software - Nick Lamburn |
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| So the world may know..... |

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