AmigaActive (10/2143)

From:Simon Preston
Date:1 May 2000 at 13:22:46
Subject:Re: LED PCB

> Anyone on here got a 1200 Power Tower. I need some help you see.

I said I'd be back, better late than never.
> You know the little PCB that sits over the floppy led connector to
> power the front panel LEDs?

This is strange. Mine has no connection to the PSU.
> It takes a power feed from the PSU which
> on mine at least consists of an orange and a yellow wire being
> soldered to the PCB.

I don't have an orange and yellow wire either.
>Well, here's the problem, my orange wire has
> come off and I don't know where to resolder it.

As I don't seem to have one then your best bet is to contact Power
Computing. They're a friendly bunch and I'm sure they can help. After all,
its their tower!


Simon Preston

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