ARexx (4/55)

From:John Nelson
Date:10 May 2000 at 16:26:39
Subject:Re: Fix YAM Subjects Scripts

Hi Doodz,

> The one I and Stephan Huebner wrote (SnipSubject), worked on my computer,
> and I use SFS...

Mine works as the script is usually applied while all the files are in
incoming and the're new mails anywayz. I just applied it to some mails
that had been read b4 fixing/filtering and noticed the prob. Sorta an
undocumented feature in a kinda MS way ;))) I usually pickup mail using a
script that fixes/filters after pickup but it also offlines and I was
surfing while picking up mail so I didn't use the script.

My script is based on really early version of Stephan's script :) Have you
added a specific fix for the flag prob or do you always apply it to new
mails??? I'm assuming it's a SFS quirk blanking the comment everytime a
file is edited. Then again the script sorta re-writes the file over the old
file so maybe it was a FFS quirk keeping the old filecomment... ?:o

> You have to set the file comment new. My script makes this with the
> command ADDRESS COMMAND 'C:Filenote "' || filename '" "' || flags || '"'

Kewl, Thanx I've being looking for a YAM command but the only one I can spot
is setflag that only does user flags :(

> There is a ARexx Command for YAM to get the flags of the mail.

Mialinfo? It doesn't return the flags stored in the filecomment (New,
I can't spot another one so I've used

ADDRESS COMMAND 'C:List >env:flags "'mi.filename'" LFORMAT="%C"'
...Mess with file...
ADDRESS COMMAND 'C:Filenote "'||mi.filename||'" "$flags"'

Catch ya l8ta
John Nelson

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*John Nelson* - Miggying for over 10 years

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