ARexx (38/55)

From:Thomas Hurst
Date:25 May 2000 at 00:03:02
Subject:Re: The recent poll (majordomo)


On 24-May-00 12:00:42, Andreas Mixich ( wrote:

> Hello Thomas

> On 17-Mai-00, you wrote:

TH>> Recent!? That was probably about 8 months ago.

> Oops :) I would suggest closing it then ;-)


TH>> Do we need a faq? The list is hardly brimming over with questions.

> Well, don't look that strict at it. Not a list FAQ, but an ARexx-FAQ.
> Most mails here in the list *are* questions. However, it is an option.
> It'� there.

The point of a FAQ is to answer commonly asked questions, we barely have any
questions, never mind commonly asked ones.

TH>>> The diary might be nice to announce some list-member meetings on IRC
TH>>> :-)
TH>> We have any?

> No, but it sure would be nice to have those.

OK, when? Saturday 3pm GMT, ARCNet #arexx sound good?

TH>>> It would help in creation of the ARexx Web Document, if the
TH>>> link-list would be used more frequently to collect ARexx related
TH>>> links.
TH>> A links list for a handful of url's? Feh.

> Two are already added. More could come. A handful ? A handful might be
> what you know. There could be even more.

One is for the non existant ML site, the other is to some site about
AWNPipe. If there are more like that I'm not sure I want to see them... but
I'm pretty sure there aren't more than a handful.

> Read again:
>> You agree not to modify, copy, reproduce, republish,
>> upload, post, transmit, sell or distribute in any way

> "You *agree* ...."

> By signing this service you agreed...

Well, whatever, I don't see it standing up in court... in fact I don't see
them caring less what you do with stuff posted here, it's just something
they can beat you with if anyone gets upset with content posted here... tbh
if you are bothered about what happens to your code, you shouldn't be
posting it to a ML.

> I am not quite sure, how valid such statements are. But I fear, they
> are. I doubt, that we will ever get in touch with this clause, but it
> itches my back.

*shrug*, who cares what they say about some ARexx code fragments and

TH>>> Because, I think this is _our_ list, not /theirs/
TH>> It's their list-serv, their servers, hence they have final say of
TH>> legal issues such as this... I don't think many are likely to be
TH>> interested in the file area anyway... people?

> Read again: It is not the file-area only. It is the list itself, and all
> published code in it ! They own the rights on this mail as well. They
> say. I don't want them to own these rights.

They own the right to redistribute stuff posted here... they have to have
that right to run their service.

> And if you think its their list....and they own all intellectual
> property, because they own the piece of hardware.....

If you're worried about what happens to your "IP" (ahem), what are you doing
posting it to a ML?

Anyway, I think it's quite clear in their ToS that they aren't saying they
own any content here... in fact, it states quite the opposite; they go to
great lengths to say they have nothing to do with the content and only
reserve the right to redistribute it, because (duh) that's the entire point
of the service.

> Again, I think its propably not an issue for practice. Most likely they
> are not interested in us at all.

Gee, y' think?

> It's just a matter of fact: I just
> dislike such policies and thought that might be an additional reason
> and maybe interesting for others.

I don't see why you're getting so worked up about it... shove the GPL on the
top of all your code you post here if it bothers you that much.



Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst - On ARCNet -
Team Member of AmiBench -
Full time ARexx, PHP3, Linux and Amiga freak, student and bum

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