ARexx (17/55)

From:Andrew Bruno
Date:17 May 2000 at 11:19:39
Subject:A slight problem with libraries.


It has been mentioned to me before that it is not always good /possible to
load all the libraries you want / need to run your programs at boot up.

What I do then, is have library load routines for ALL libraries needed in
that routine at the start.

Alas (I think) that still doesn't work.

I shall have to do some work too in the mean time with some help from the
info off Dave Clark's home page about loading lib's.

Here is the "problem".

I want to load:


(and maybe a couple more)

libraries into memory at boot.

Some of my routines don't work (from time to time) because they say they
can't find the library. :(

The EXACT one is not yet known. But I think it varies anyway.

I have put things in the programs to setclip() a value to show me what one/s
didn't load. (well kinda)

Then later on, another routine is run and it checks the clip with getclip()
and if it is not 0, then plays a sound.

All well and good, I guess.

I want to get a requestor up showing me the contents of the clip, but that
needs reqtools.

Catch 22.

How do I beet this problem? <:-\



I'm a pseudo-masochist. Just pretend to hurt me.

Andrew Bruno

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