ARexx (11/55)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:14 May 2000 at 18:37:59
Subject:The recent poll (majordomo)


I have seen the recent poll for this list. I did not vote, yet, as I would
like to ask some questions before.

The current list-server has some special pro's.

This list features some really nice add-ons on the web-frontend, such as a
diary (well, we don't need it really ;-)), 20 megs of file-sharing place
and a database, with some common tables already pre-defined, such as FAQ
lists and index for various stuff. There is also a link list. All this can
be used to enhance productivity and does not cost much work.

As the database seems to be set up for overall public access, anyone could add
entries for a FAQ. A maintainer only would have to cut&paste this info and
organize it a bit.

The diary might be nice to announce some list-member meetings on IRC :-)

It would help in creation of the ARexx Web Document, if the link-list would be
used more frequently to collect ARexx related links.

The contra's are, however, also present:

Here is a quote from the "Terms Of Service" of this list-serv, chapter 12:


only. You agree not to modify, copy, reproduce, republish,

upload, post, transmit, sell or distribute in any way

Content available through the Service, including code and



This would mean, that none of the scripts, published here, may be published
anywhere else, reproduced, modified, as long as they were retreived from
this list.
Of course this is just a legal issue, and no one really will take this too
serious, but personally I dislike such behaviour of "free-services". Moving
to (at least I beleive so) would eliminate such things.

Because, I think this is _our_ list, not /theirs/

Good Bye, Andreas

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