3DWorld (99/293)

From:Hans-Joerg Frieden
Date:18 Apr 2000 at 11:46:55
Subject:Re: glElite for PPC

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Timo K Suoranta wrote:

> Well, in the win32 and linux glut implementation, the RMB is only
> used by the glut menu *when there exists one*. I have not defined
> any glut menu - I do not want one - so why there is such? Option
> to disable the default menu will be fine, but I would like to be
> able to build glElite from single sources without #ifdef PLATFORMs.

There is no such thing as a menu button in windows, so these concepts
are hardly comparable. On the Amiga, people expect that the right
mouse button will bring up a menu of some sorts.

> Well, the glut in StormMesa. No other glut blocks mousebuttons, no other
> glut has default menu - or?

Glut on every system still is subject to any special points of the
window system. On Windows, every glut window will have a close box on
the right side of the title bar. On Amiga, the close box is to the
left. On Linux under enlightenment, it might be on a completely
different border alltogether :)

Regards, Hans-Joerg.

Hans-Joerg Frieden | "Just a few miles west of Crazy,
HansJoergF@hyperion-software.de | a stone's throw away from Tear,
http://www.hyperion-software.de/ | Oh so close to Normal,
Private: hfrieden@uni-trier.de | But I can't get there from here."
(including Warp3D, ADescent, Abuse) | Lisa Brokop, "West of Crazy"