3DWorld (46/293)

From:Andy Thomson
Date:7 Apr 2000 at 18:47:41
Subject:Re: Problems with Warp3D 3.0

In reply to the mail from Hans-Joerg Frieden about Re: [3DWorld] Problems=
with Warp3D 3.0:
> On 6 Apr 2000, Andy Thomson wrote:
> > I have an Amiga 4000 with a 68060/50 and a CyberVision3D card. I have
> > tried to install Warp3D from the last AF CD. The gears demo does not
> > run correctly, it corrupts the display. So I ran WarpTest, this gives
> > a few lines about the ViRGE chip and what it can do but then says the
> > Mode ID is not found and quits. I checked the libraries, they are
> > there. I checked H&P hope page and installed the StormMesa Libs but
> > the problem still persists. Have I missed a step? Does an ENV variabl=
> > need setting?
> This information is a bit thin. What Cybergraphics version do you
> have? Do you have the correct driver installed? Correct library
> versions? Did you check Problems.txt and compare the settings/version
> numbers there? The "Missing ModeID" is usually a sign of a incomplete
> or faulty installation.=20
> Also check the settings in the Monitor tooltype.=20
> For more information, you might also want to check out Paul's FAQ.

My Cybergraphics is from the archive 'cgxv42_r2_pre5'

A list of my cgx* libraries follows:

cgxsystem.library 198756 ----rwed 01-Mar-00 18:41:18
: cgxsystem.library 42.3 (10.2.00) 68040 Version =A9 by Vision Factory D=
cgx3drave.library 4008 ----rw-d 15-Mar-99 13:39:22
: cgx3drave.library 1.1 (15.3.99) =A9 1998-99 by Vision Factory Developme=
nt, writte
cgxvideo.library 5472 ----rwed 01-Mar-00 18:41:22
: cgxvideo.library 42.1 (10.2.00) 68040 Version =A9 1996-2000 by Vision F=
actory Dev
cgxbootpic.library 20704 ----rwed 22-Mar-99 16:13:25
: cgxbootpic.library 42.0 (18.10.98) =A9 1996-1999 Vision Factory Develop=
ment, writ
cgxmpeg.library 48248 ----rwed 02-Mar-98 19:10:41

I have looked at problems.txt and set the CGX tooltypes as it says,
this cures the problem with the gears demo on a full screen but not
the WarpTest or gears in a window.

http://www.nerds.co.uk The place for computer enthusiasts
Andy Thomson _
High Wycombe, Bucks. /_\
http://come.to/athomson / | \