3DWorld (33/293)

From:Denis 'Troll' TROLLER
Date:4 Apr 2000 at 20:00:57
Subject:Re: Problem with Warp3D in a window

On 03-avr-00, Hans-Joerg Frieden wrote:

> On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Denis 'Troll' TROLLER wrote:
>> Thanks ! I hadn't noticed that the BMF_MINPLANES tags was mandatory :)
>> Now it works.
> Yes, its not obvious...
>>> Don't forget to use ClipBlit to copy, otherwise you might trash other
>>> layers.
>> What about BltBitMapRastPort() ?
> Does this take layers into account? I am not sure, you'll have to
> check the Autodocs. I used ClipBlit, this requires an additional
> RastPort that can easily be obtained by an
> InitRast(&rp);
> rp.BitMap = bitmap;

It does take the layers into account. It only needs a BitMap as
source. But I'll try ClipBlit because I want to do some graphics
calls on it.
Thanks anyway


Denis 'Troll' Troller