3DWorld (282/293)

From:Hans-Joerg Frieden
Date:30 Apr 2000 at 20:32:30
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Mark Olsen wrote:

> The chip can texture map as fast in 32 bits as it can i 16bits

I never tested it, but I highly doubt it. It would need to write
longwords instead of words, and it would require twice the memory
bandwidth. Given the fact that with non-optimized textur surfaces
there are wild pixel errors, I doubt the RAM access is fast enough for

Regards, Hans-Joerg.

Hans-Joerg Frieden | "Just a few miles west of Crazy,
HansJoergF@hyperion-software.de | a stone's throw away from Tear,
http://www.hyperion-software.de/ | Oh so close to Normal,
Private: hfrieden@uni-trier.de | But I can't get there from here."
(including Warp3D, ADescent, Abuse) | Lisa Brokop, "West of Crazy"