3DWorld (274/293)

From:Hans-Joerg Frieden
Date:29 Apr 2000 at 21:31:27
Subject:Re: PPC Problem

On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Marco Saupe wrote:

> But since I'm absolutely clueless what else I could do
> I'll probably try to flash it it anyway... :-/

I would think that this is done with the 68k CPU anyway... You might
want to phone up DCE and ask them...

Regards, Hans-Joerg.

Hans-Joerg Frieden | "Just a few miles west of Crazy,
HansJoergF@hyperion-software.de | a stone's throw away from Tear,
http://www.hyperion-software.de/ | Oh so close to Normal,
Private: hfrieden@uni-trier.de | But I can't get there from here."
(including Warp3D, ADescent, Abuse) | Lisa Brokop, "West of Crazy"