3DWorld (267/293)

From:Marco Saupe
Date:28 Apr 2000 at 12:48:12
Subject:PPC Problem


I have just noticed a very strange problem.

I don't think Warp3D is the cause for the problem, but
it is affected, so please forgive me if this mail is a bit OT

My computer crashes right after starting a program that uses PPC,
no matter if it's a PowerUp or WarpUp program. After the crash I can't
even reboot, I have to turn the computer off. The only PPC
program I found that didn't crash was CyberPi (from the WarpUp

PS: When I used a higher number as parameter CyberPi crashed, too.
With a small number CyberPi was finished after about 0.7 seconds,
therefore the crash seems to happen after th PPC is used
for a bit longer than that.

Everything worked fine when I last used it 3 days ago.
First I thought it was a hardware problem, but then I found
that LinuxPPC runs without problems, so that can't be
the reason, can't it?

But I don't know how it could be a software problem, because

- I didn't install anything in the last couple of weeks that
could change my system (the only program I installed at
all was PPaint from Aminet)

- PPC progs crash when I boot from my normal WB partition,
they crash when I start from my backup WB partition and
they crash when I boot without startup-sequence.

I also didn't make a flashupdate recently.

PS: I just found that 68k Warp3D stuff doesn't work properly, too!
Engine can be started, and the FPS counter shows a correct
value, but the rest of the screen is black, except for some red horizontal
stripes (they behave correctly when I look around with the mouse) . It
doesn't crash and I can exit the programm.
Warptest can also be started, but the polygon is invisible.
Gears causes a lockup (but at least it doesn't produce such deadly

Everything else seem to run fine. The BVision also works (also under Linux).

My system: A1200T PPC 603/200 040/25 48 MB, BVision
OS 3.5 (with Boingbag) , ppc.library 46.25, powerpc.library 15.0

Does someone have an idea what could be the reason for the problem?


Marco Saupe - msaupe@saale-net.de -- Marco.Saupe@in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de
-------- Homepage @ http://www.saale-net.de/homepages/m.saupe ---------
--- Amiga User ---- Amiga Zentrum Thueringen - http://www.azt-ev.de ---

Backups? We don' *NEED* no steenking backups.