3DWorld (255/293)

From:David Scheibler
Date:26 Apr 2000 at 14:10:45
Subject:Re: monitor errors

Am 25-Apr-00 schrieb Robert Kihl:

>> I get the same speed (also 603/240 040/25 +BVision +CGX3)
> Ok, guess it=B4s normal then :)

I think the problem is the 040-25MHz, on a 060-system it would be faster =

Isn't there anyone on the list who can post the speed-results of a 603/24=
+060 +BVision system?

// MfG, David Scheibler // scheibler@germanynet.de (private)
\X/ www.maxim-computer.de \X/ DScheibler@maxim-computer.de (work)