3DWorld (215/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:24 Apr 2000 at 14:08:45
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On 23-Apr-00, Andreas Hippauf wrote:

> Hello Robert
>> I installed the latest CGX update and the MESA demos runs much faster
>> now, but I still get the flickering on every Warp3D program. Seams
>> like it=B4s not doing a cls on one of the buffers. Anyone know how to
>> fix this?
> Easy:
> Dont waste your Graphics-Memory for Backgroundpatterns on Workbench or
> Birdie.=20

I tried runnig WB in 640x480 with no bg pic and no birdie but that didn=B4=
make any difference. I don=B4t see why it should, why shouldn=B4t Warp3D
programs be able to do a cls if I have=B4nt got enough video mem?

Isn=B4t background pics stored in fast mem?

Robert Kihl