3DWorld (2/293)

From:Thomas Frieden
Date:2 Apr 2000 at 13:21:02
Subject:Re: MESA Problem


On Sat, 1 Apr 2000, Matthias Bock wrote:
> glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); at the beginning
> and
> before displaying the icoshedron.
> With openGL on windows this hides the triangles in the back effectivly, but
> here on the Amiga, they are still visible. Have I forgot something?

Have you set a clear depth ?

And you might check that you really have a z buffer, maybe there wasn't
enough video ram free (i.e. you have run the thing in 32 bit, triple
buffered, on a 1024x768 screen mode).
To ensure this, check Mesa's output....


Thomas Frieden