3DWorld (198/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:24 Apr 2000 at 15:25:38
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On 24-Apr-00, DJNick wrote:

> Hello Robert
>>> 5 pfs is very slooow (I have 060 ppc on 166 mhz :(( )
>> It is probably something wrong here since all my Warp3D programs run t=
>> slow.
> Huh! You scared me :]] I knew something is wrong with setup! Like I sai=
> I had the same probs b4 (when had ugly 040 and ppc on 200). Some
> storm-mesa demos (like 3D flight) ran extremly slow (1-2 fps). I can't
> test it coz I deleted it...

Sorry about that :)
The MESA demos run in "normal" speed now after installing the latest cgx
libs. But I still get flickering trash in the background.

> Maybe someone could send us 'definitelly-working' W3D 'prefs' file?

Yeah that would be nice.

> (I suppose it is in
> env:mui/WOSPREFS.1.prefs)

What=B4s that for?

Robert Kihl