3DWorld (193/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:24 Apr 2000 at 23:18:31
Subject:Re: monitor errors

On 24-Apr-00, Thomas Frieden wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, Robert Kihl wrote:
>> Yeah, but I=B4ve found the problem now, I didn=B4t have BOARD=3DBVisio=
nPPC in
>> cgxmode tooltype. So now it=B4s working, the flicker is gone and the g=
>> trash is gone and I=B4m happy :)
> Is the Heretic 2 demo faster now ?

No it=B4s still the same, I ran timerefresh on a few places and I got abo=
9fps average in 512x384. Is it suppose to be faster? On a


Robert Kihl