3DWorld (19/293)

From:Andrew Barker
Date:3 Apr 2000 at 12:52:34
Subject:Re: HELP!! LinuxPPC+WarpUp

Interestinly it did moan about my SCSI devices since I have a
BPPC 603e+ with SCSI.

Thanks for your advice I will try it.


Andy Barker

p.s. I'm still not sure why the PowerUP emu doesn't work under Warp OS
through Frank Willie's PPCEMULIB.

Szczepan Kuzniarz wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Andrew Barker wrote:
> > [...]
> > I launched the launcher and booted, however it booted and resulted in
> > a Kernal Panic ;-(
> Do you have BlizzardPPC without SCSI? If you have it, you should disable
> SCSI routines from FlashROM (press 'S' while your Amiga boots).
> Szczepan Kuzniarz
> szczepan@pwr.wroc.pl