3DWorld (188/293)

From:Andreas Hippauf
Date:23 Apr 2000 at 18:01:56
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

Hello Paul

Am 22-Apr-00 schrieb Paul Qureshi:

> One thing you must consider is that the Amiga has a lot less bandwidth
> available on it's graphics bus, and to some extent on it's memory bus
> compared to PCs. The PPC cards are (I hear) quite good for memory
> speed, all things considered, but don't forget that they still use
> SIMMs at 60ns rather than the faster memory types used in modern PCs.

Well. I have no "modern" PC. Just a pentium-I with 166 Mhz. And the
memory simms are exactly the same as on the amiga-side. :-(

> Try this, reduce the game window to the smallest possible setting.

That is not funny any more. I dont want to play it in smallest window
with my amiga-state-of-the-art hardware. I should have bought an 68060
instead of 68040 on my A1200. But now it is too late!

> Even though it will probably be (if it's anything like the Q1 engine)
> only a few cm accross, you will see that it runs at a fair rate. There
> simply isn't as much bus activity. Even at 320x240 there is a
> considerable amount of data to move when copying the screen buffer
> alone.

> Wait till we get G3s and PCI graphics cards, the difference will be
> noticable in the same way as my friends Z2 system is noticably slower
> than my Z3 one, especially for games.

Will we really ever get those CPUs on Amiga? And on which perfomance is
the rest of the world than? :-((


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