3DWorld (180/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:23 Apr 2000 at 01:59:41
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On 22-Apr-00, Thomas Frieden wrote:

> If you have both of them in the devs:monitors directory, it's a miracle
> it's working at all. Remove the CVisionPPC monitor, that's not needed. =
> should have only one monitor driver for a given hardware.

Yeah that=B4s what I thought but that=B4s how it gets after just installi=

But the BvisionPPC monitor file doesn=B4t work, when I run cgxmode with j=
that mounted it says that it can=B4t find the gfx card. I know that there
isn=B4t anything wrong with the monitor file =B4cos I asked a friend for =
and it did=B4nt work either.

I can=B4t install the latest update for the CVisionPPC either =B4cos the =
thing happen to that monitor file. So I=B4m using an old CVisionPPC monit=
file :(

It=B4s probably some silly mistake I=B4ve done but I can=B4t figure out w=
Anyone know what might be wrong?

Robert Kihl