3DWorld (165/293)

From:Andreas Hippauf
Date:22 Apr 2000 at 08:44:17
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

Hello Hans-Joerg

Am 21-Apr-00 schrieb Hans-Joerg Frieden:

> 64 Megs isn't so much if you consider the original game needed more
> than 100...

You told us before and I did not complain. I already did get 128 MB for
A1200 and the 96 for A4000. And only for the new hyperion titles, to be

>> My config is
>> A4000 with 96 MB FASTRAM and 68060 with 604PPC at 240 Mhz. BUT
>> Cybervision64-3D only. So this machine has a big advantage and I was
>> sure of this before. But what can you do, when DCE does not sell new
>> graphicscard that are need for this masterpiece of game like an
>> cybervisionPPC?

> Have you tried software rendering? The ViRGE chip is so slow that you
> can pretty much forget about playing Heretic II on it. Even the
> intermediate 060 version that we compiled was faster than the ViRGE...

I tried software rendering. I didnt bother on framerate but on
playability. And here the amiga-version is a looser, sorry!
Strangley even my PC (166Mhz) is faster in software rendering than my
AmigaPPC 604 with 240 Mhz. Why?

> I get 23 FPS on a timerefresh at the beginning of the tutorial, in
> 512x384, and I get 41 fps in 320x240. That's on a 233 604,
> software. While on the high resolution the faster bus of the CVPPC
> will make the difference, on the lower res it won't...

I'll try again and measure the fps. I now want to know it exactly.
Perhaps my config sucks...

>> I have an A1200 with 68040 at 25 Mhz and 603e with 166 Mhz
>> This one has an permedia2 based graphicscard so I expected it being a
>> lot faster than the A4000 in hereticII.
>> No chance! It is even slower than my A4000 in software mode!

> You must be doing something wrong, or the 68040/25 has a bigger impact
> than I thought might be possible. You should not try to use anything
> above 640x480, and on such a slow machine you're better off with
> 400x300 or 320x240, even in hardware - the Permedia's fill rate isn't
> exactly gigantic, and the overdraw of the Quake2 engine does the
> rest...

I hope I am doing something wrong! I tryed 320x240, 400x300, 512 and 640
with growing dissappointment...

>> Well, I guess you will need the best hardware that is around to get
>> some fun in deathmatches with this game. I already played
>> Singleplayer mode on PC till nearly finish, so it is for me just
>> intereting in deathmatch mode. But here it is too slow! :-(

> You can actually connect in the demo version by entering "conntect <ip
>> " from the console, I have acceidantially included a
> truncated file in the archive (update should appear soon on the web
> pages).

Ah! Then I will try again. Maybe the amiga becomes a lot faster when not
acting as server, too!

> Actually, the game works quite decently on mid-range hardware, like
> 603/240+060, or 604/160. Don't expect it to run on a CV64/3D, though;

I did not expect it to run on CV64/3D in hardware mode.

> in spite of P5 selling it as a "3D accelerator", it really isn't. And
> the Permedia2 is slower than the Voodoo will be...

But the permedia shoud make the difference to my A4000
softwarerendering, like in Wipeout. And it does not! :-(


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