3DWorld (163/293)

From:Fredrik Nilsson
Date:22 Apr 2000 at 00:58:08
Subject:Heretic II demo bug !?

Hi there !

I think i have found two bugs in the Heretic II demo.

Both of them occured when i played in window mode.. 512x384 window
on an 16bit Workbench.

The first one, may not be cald bug but it's quite anoying.
When I start Heretic II by dubbel-clicking on the "Run_HereticII" icon
it starts in a window as it should but then suddenly it opens a new sceen
where it dispalys fist the Hyperion logo then the Activision followed by
Raven's then at last the Heretic II logo. After that it closes the screen
again and everyting is as normal again. I don't know if this is a bug but
it is quite anyoing that it opens a new sceen to dispaly those logos...
why not display them in the window instead ?

That was the first "bug".. now the the second one.
This also happens in windowed mode... don't know if it happens in fullscreen
to... don't wan't to test either because it unvalidates the harddrive and it
about one hour to validate it again.
Now to the problem. I fist started to change som of the kayboard controls to
make them more user-friendly. But when I try to save the setting the
computer hangs (don't know this word "lock up") playing the last second
of the sound and I have to reboot. The result of this is that my harddrive
partition gets unvalidated (FFS) and it takes about one hour
to validate it again.

This is not a "one-timer-bug" because it happend twice and i don't really
wan't to test it again. As said before i DON'T know if this ahpens in window

mode only or if it happens in fullscreen to.

I hope you can fix it because i really wan't to save the config. Or maybe
it's just on my computer this happens.

Wow.. this mail got very big :)

The machine used to test is an A1200 with OS3.5, Warp3D v3.0upd.
More hardware below.

PS. Thanks for your great work with this fantastic game and i hope you sell
many copies so that you port a lot of good PC games (if there are any) ;-)

Kind regards


|A1200T, BPPC@200, 040@25, BVPPC, 128MB FAST, Power Flyer |
|A3000D, CSPPC@233, 040@25, GVPSpectrum, 44MB FAST, MFC3 |

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-Hiroshima 45 -Tjernobyl 86 -Windows 95 -PowerPC.library(by H&P) 96