3DWorld (119/293)

From:Robert Kihl
Date:21 Apr 2000 at 19:05:38
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On 21-Apr-00, Hans-Joerg Frieden wrote:

> You may drop down the console with the tilde key (next to the "1") and
> use the "timerefresh" command to measure the frame rate.=20

Ok, I got about 9-10 fps in 512x342.

> 640x480 is problematic on the BlizzardVisionPPC. The Permedia chip is
> really at its limit here. Try to go down to one of the smaller
> resolutions, like 400x300. Those are a good compromise between
> resolution and speed.=20

When I cange to 512x342 only the render area canges, the screenmode is st=
640x480. I canged the modeid in the envvar to 512x342x16 (1086455879) but
it still uses 640x480. How do I make it run on a 512x342 screenmode?

> I usually play at the 512xsomething resolution, and get typical frame
> rates of 20 FPS on a 233 604e...=20

Is there much diffrence between a 604@233 and a 603@240? or a CVPPC and a

I get the whole display dithered, how do I turn that off? Musn=B4t that s=
things down? ...I have the Warp3D/Phermedia2/dither set to "off".

I seam to have problems with speed in other Warp3D programs aswell, the m=
demos for instance run in maybe 3-5 fps and I get some db flickering in t=
background :(

> Also, the memory does have some impact, as some stuff is swapped in on
> demand. You might want to look at the "Notes on Memory"-File,
> especially the thing about gl_picmip and gl_skinmip, which might speed
> things up...=20

I had 60.8mb free fast ram, is that enough?=20

Robert Kihl