3DWorld (105/293)

From:Thomas Frieden
Date:19 Apr 2000 at 21:27:54
Subject:Re: MiniGL archive corrupt?


On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Stefan Schulze wrote:
> >> just wonder because I included the mglppc.lib into the project and
> >> some functions seem to be found by the compiler and some didn't.
> > What symbols are missing ? I guess it's PowerPC.library stuff, right ?
> No, for example: GLULookAt(), GLUPerspective(), MGLTerm(), MGLInit(),
> MGLUnlockDisplay(), MGLKeyFunc(), ....

Strange. These should work. They should be in mgl.lib (or mglppc.lib).
Unfortuately, I wasn't able to test StormC 3, this was done by Steffen

> (Tried to compile gravity.c)

ARGH ! That's still in the archive ? It's not working, and in fact, not
doing anything sensible. Forget about it....
(Of course, this doesn't explain the errors you get....)


Thomas Frieden