3DWorld (104/293)

From:Stefan Schulze
Date:19 Apr 2000 at 18:00:04
Subject:Re: MiniGL archive corrupt?

Hi Thomas,=20

Du warst am 19-Apr-00 an Deinem Rechner und schriebst =FCber Re: [3DWorld=
MiniGL archive corrupt?:

> Hi,

> There's a problem with the vbcc support because vbcc is currently not
> compiling Warp3D V3 stuff correctly. I think Frank is working on it.
I tested both StormC V3 and vbcc, but vbcc won't compile any other things=
throw at it so I guess it's no MGL error. The StormC problem is more seri=
though as it works for several years here.

>> But I got many linker errors saying _SeveralSymbols not defined. I
>> just wonder because I included the mglppc.lib into the project and
>> some functions seem to be found by the compiler and some didn't.

> What symbols are missing ? I guess it's PowerPC.library stuff, right ?

No, for example: GLULookAt(), GLUPerspective(), MGLTerm(), MGLInit(),
MGLUnlockDisplay(), MGLKeyFunc(), ....

(Tried to compile gravity.c)

Bye, Stefan.
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