WarpUp (86/442)

From:Sam Jordan
Date:08 Dec 99 at 22:12:48
Subject:Re: [warpup] Help - can no longer use A-Web

Am 08-Dez-99 schrieb Garry Kelsall:

>I cannot run A-Web (OS3.5 version) with WarpOS. A-Web loads OK and
>runs for about ten seconds and then I am given the WarpOS exceptions
>window before a big crash.

>Once the "Defiant" program provided me with a spectacular software

>Microdot behaves the same way too. My system is altogether very
>unstable under Warp-OS when all is well under PUP.

All these programs don't have any PPC code inside (as far as I know),
so I wonder how they can cause a PPC exception. As long as you don't
run any PPC soft, then it is *impossible* that any non-PPC application
can cause such an exception.

If you are a CSPPC owner, then try to remove the ppc.library from LIBS:
to check, whether the problems are still there then. If you are a
BlizzardPPC owner try disabling the ppc.library using BPPCFix and
then try again.

There might be PowerUp background programs running, which can cause
troubles. Definitely make sure not to run CGFX-PPC.

If you can't solve your problems, then please provide a bit more infos
about system configuration, how WarpUp programs work etc.


Sam Jordan ______
eMail: s.jordan@haage-partner.com _______ / \
sam_jordan@spin.ch (private) ()_______) / \
| (__ / NCC \
Also at HAAGE & PARTNER PowerPC | __| 1701-D |
development section __|_(__ \ /
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We develop to WarpUP the AMIGA! \______/