WarpUp (78/442)

Date:08 Dec 99 at 11:32:29
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: 68K emulation

"Marion E. Wyatt" wrote:

> > Recently I came up with an idea regarding this. It goes something like
> > this:
> >
> > AmigaOS has no memeryprotection, but WarpOS has. Now would it be possible
> > to utilize this to give 68K apps some form of memoryprotection ?
> >
> > Say by letting each 68k task run in its own emulator task on the host OS,
> > and having some sort of manager keeping an eye on everything.
> How about the new mmu.library?
Find any idea you want, it just won't work. There are remains of tries
add memory protection in the Amiga Kernel. But since it hasn't been
the beginning, we can't go back now.

Of course memory protection should use the MMU, there's nothing other.
only type of protection existing now is based on semaphores, but still
few people use it. WarpOS and Enforcer do some memory protection, but
protect areas of memory where noone should write or read. They both
prevent some task from trashing other's memory.

There are a huge load of programming tools designed for testing
programs in any conditions. Most of them are available for free on
or in the developper CDs but still noone use them.

So There's no doubt if people use these tool, the softs will be really
more stable, and the whole system with them, it's just a human problem.