WarpUp (73/442)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:08 Dec 99 at 02:27:09
Subject:[warpup] Re: 68K emulation

On 06-Dec-99 at 15:45:18, Morten Str�rup wrote these words of wisdom:
> On Monday, December 06 1999, 18:29:15, Sam Jordan was caught saying:
>>> 2. Is the emulator 100 % stable and compatible enough to run current
>>> applications including OS 3.5?
>> No application is ever 100% stable by definition. On the other hand,
>> compatibility and speed were both a major issue during development.
>> Stability is something which should be improved all the time. Surely
>> no software is perfect at the first production release.
> Recently I came up with an idea regarding this. It goes something like
> this:
> AmigaOS has no memeryprotection, but WarpOS has. Now would it be possible
> to utilize this to give 68K apps some form of memoryprotection ?
> Say by letting each 68k task run in its own emulator task on the host OS,
> and having some sort of manager keeping an eye on everything.

How about the new mmu.library?

Marion E. Wyatt AMIGA3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1GB ZIP100
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