WarpUp (71/442)

From:Sam Jordan
Date:07 Dec 99 at 22:23:02
Subject:Re: [warpup] 68K emulation

Am 06-Dez-99 schrieb Morten Str�rup:

>>No application is ever 100% stable by definition. On the other hand,
>>compatibility and speed were both a major issue during development.
>>Stability is something which should be improved all the time. Surely
>>no software is perfect at the first production release.

>Recently I came up with an idea regarding this. It goes something like this:

>AmigaOS has no memeryprotection, but WarpOS has. Now would it be possible to

No WarpOS hasn't. That was basically nothing more than a little experiment.
I did never hear of any software allocating protected memory (right now
I also wouldn't recommend doing it) and even if a few would do it,
most of the memory still wouldn't be protected. It's simply of no use.
Sorry, this has nothing in common with *real* memory protection, which
I anyway don't expect to see in AOS, because of some fundamental
conceptual problems with AMIGA software programming (like passing
data inside messages by reference instead of by value).

>Say by letting each 68k task run in its own emulator task on the host OS, and

>having some sort of manager keeping an eye on everything.

This simply doesn't work, because the emulator itself *must* emulate
the *whole* AOS, including scheduler and all lowlevel stuff, otherwise
AOS simply wouldn't start up. There are a lot of other problems which
makes this interesting idea completely inpracticable, such as the
incompatibility between WarpOS and Exec in lots of details. Usually
you simply can't run tasks beloging to one kernel directly by another
kernel, because the data structures and everything else doesn't fit.
Certainly, WarpOS is close to exec, but not directly compatible.


Sam Jordan ______
eMail: s.jordan@haage-partner.com _______ / \
sam_jordan@spin.ch (private) ()_______) / \
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