WarpUp (53/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:06 Dec 99 at 20:44:03
Subject:RE: [warpup] Warp3D Demos

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> Yes, I tried that.. my scsi controller got broken... I can't do any
ow> tests right now because I just sent my blizzardppc board to phase5 so I
ow> guess I will have to wait some time...

ow> The problem I have with the demos is that when I run them (PPC
ow> versions) the machine crashes (there's some output to serial port)...however
ow> 68k executables (demos) work, so at least my configuration of Warp3D is OK
ow> and my permedia2 chip is working, so I wonder if something messed up with my
ow> WarpOS environment variables, anyway that would be strange since I haven't
ow> done anything so they change...

Is it possible that you have some ppc.library stuff running ? This surely
"breaks" Warp3D PPC version.

Install-hints in short:

- set env:powerpc/TERMINATOR to 2 (or install BPPCFix)
- If you have a CV/PPC or BV/PPC set env:powerpc/force to 1 and
env:powerpc/gfxaddr to $e0000000, else set both to 0 or delete them (or
don't create them :) )
- Do *not* install any of the following programs in a way that they are
active on bootup: PPCInstall, ElfLoadSeg, RC5-PPC, Turboprint PPC, so-called
CGX PPC, ppc.library based Datatypes or mpega.library (WarpUP ones are
available), ViewTool (AFAIK it can be configured to run in the background
at bootup), ixemulPPC. Some of these limitations will probably not apply
if you have installed the ppc.library Emulation instead of the "real"
- Set the Dragging and Bitmapcache Tooltypes of your Cybergraphics Monitor
correct, if you have BV/PPC or CV/PPC
- If you have CGX 3 at least use Monitor-driver V2.7 and latest
cgxsystem.library from the Phase 5 ftp site (the base archive of CGX 3 is
NOT enough... for CGX 4 or Picasso96 the base installation IS enough,
though... P96 only applies for CV/3D of course, as it does not support
the CV/PPC and BV/PPC as of now)

Steffen Haeuser