WarpUp (48/442)

From:William W. Toner II
Date:06 Dec 99 at 14:55:37
Subject:[warpup] Re: 68K emulation

> The emulator emulates a 040 instruction set, but this is quite
> irrelevant. There are basically no user-level applications which
> rely on 060-specialties.

OK, so if we get a program which has various 030/040/060 with and without FPU
optimized binaries, but no PPC binary available at the time, we would be best
off installing the 040 with FPU optimized binary? Or is this issue so
irrelevant that we would see much less difference between such 68K
optimizations than we would see if we ran these on a real 040 or real 060 or
030, etc. Just trying to know what the best install options would be when I
get my G3 or G4 card... And I'm hoping that none of my 060 optimized stuff
currently installed will break, I don't know what differences there are
between 040 and 060, but I do know that there are some minor differences with
respect to implemented instructions.

Bill Toner