WarpUp (428/442)

From:Stian Str�m
Date:30 Dec 99 at 02:03:10
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: powerpc with libraries, devices and resources?

>>Will WarpUP software work on AOS PPC as it is now (without recompiling)?
>Certainly not all of them, but the goal is to make a large part of it
>working. But at the moment it isn't possible to estimate how big the
>compatibility finally will be.
>>BTW, what is the difference between using words WarpUP and WarpOS (is there
>>any?). Which is more correct when we talk about your ppc extension to AOS?
>WarpUp encloses all the concepts around PPC programming, it's one way
>of how the PPC technology is used for the AMIGA. WarpOS is a kernel
>implementation. So if you talk about some more generic aspects of the
>whole PowerPC stuff, then it's more appropriate to use the term WarpUp,
>while it's better to refer to WarpOS when talking about specific
>issues of the kernel, powerpc.library or something similar.

Um, when Phase5 finish those new G4 accelerators, do you think
we can expect to see a 100% PPC AmigaOS? And will this meen
a great deal of improvement in the speed so that we can compare
it with for instance PPC-MACs?

One more thing, I have a 603/240MHz + 040/25Mhz card in my A1200,
is the 603 a lot slower than the 604?
A friend of mine have a 604/200MHz + 060/50Mhz card, and PPC stuff
runs a lot faster on that machine, is this mainly because of
the 060, or is it because of the 604 CPU?
Or has it anything to do with the circuits in the A1200 compared to A4000?
For instance will a G4 card with 400MHz for A4000 be faster than a
G4 card with 400MHz for A1200?

I just ask, because I expected a lot more from the PPC card when I bought
it, and wonder why we can't have the same speed as a PPC-MAC with the
same PPC CPU in it...

Stian Str�m...